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Keynote presentation: Positioning the nursing and midwifery voice at the forefront in planetary health leadership

Thursday, July 18, 2024
1:20 PM - 2:05 PM
Waterfront Rooms 1, 2, and 3


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Dr Aletha Ward
University of Southern Queensland

Positioning the nursing and midwifery voice at the forefront in planetary health leadership


In the field of planetary health, the voices of nurses and midwives have emerged as pivotal drivers for health adaptation and mitigation in the face of climate change. This keynote presentation will explore the multi-faceted role of the nursing and midwifery professionals in addressing the intricate challenges posed by both living and working in the Anthropocene.
Central to this discussion is the exploration of principles of good practice that underpin effective N&M engagement and leadership in planetary health. Drawing upon evidence-based approaches and ethical considerations, this keynote address elucidates the guiding frameworks for nursing and midwifery professionals to navigate complex environmental health landscapes and inform both undergraduate and postgraduate education priorities. Through a synthesis of best practices, insights will be shared into fostering resilient healthcare systems that prioritise both human well-being and more broadly, the health of the planet.
Furthermore, the importance of positioning nursing and midwifery voices at the forefront of national policy discussions will be discussed. By highlighting the unique perspectives and expertise of nursing and midwifery professionals, the workforce will learn how to advocate for inclusive policies that integrate health, environmental and social justice imperatives. From grassroots initiatives to high-level policy forums, this keynote outlines actionable pathways for amplifying the nursing and midwifery voice in shaping effective approaches to planetary health governance.
This keynote underscores the imperative of recognising nursing and midwifery professionals as indispensable agents of change, in an era where planetary health is at a critical juncture for intergenerational health. Through collaborative action, and strategic advocacy, nurses and midwives can leverage their expertise to foster resilient communities, mitigate health disparities and champion sustainable development agendas to lead the way for planetary health.


PhD., MBA., BNurs., R.N., GAICD. FACN. MAPNA. Dr Aletha Ward is a climate health researcher and policy specialist, leading the national nursing policy response in climate health. Aletha is the climate health representative for APNA, and chair of the Climate Health Faculty for the Australian College of Nursing (ACN). Aletha co-founded and served as the inaugural chair of Climate Action Nurses and received Fellowship from the ACN in 2023 for her contribution to climate health. Aletha was called as an expert witness in a senate hearing on climate change and intergenerational equity in 2024. Aletha is passionate about raising the voice of nurses and midwives across Australia, driving impactful change.