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2.2 Workshop: Intersecting agendas: nursing and midwifery education and planetary health

Track 2
Wednesday, July 17, 2024
12:05 PM - 12:55 PM
Waterfront Room 2


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Mr James Bonnamy
Research Fellow
Monash University

Intersecting agendas: nursing and midwifery education and planetary health


Aim/Objective: To present and discuss the findings from three planetary health research projects, to inform further action/research.
Focus: 1) Discuss the implications of the study findings for nursing and midwifery education 2) Generate creative and collaborative solutions to address the challenges identified in the research projects.
Overview: Given the increase in climate-related impacts on human and planetary health, current and future healthcare professionals must be able to respond effectively. Nurses and midwives are uniquely positioned to build resilience in healthcare systems and drive decarbonisation efforts.
The Planetary Health in Nursing and Midwifery – Research & Education Collaborative was established to identify and address opportunities to progress nursing and midwifery educators’ capacity to respond to current and future human and planetary health challenges. This requires a shift from the traditional aim of nursing education to develop clinical knowledge and skills towards curricula that includes sustainable development literacy and application.
Together, the three research projects presented in this workshop will outline: 1) Nursing and midwifery educators’ current levels of planetary health knowledge, views, confidence, and teaching practices; 2) Findings from a web-based audit of planetary health terminology and content evidence in contemporary nursing programs; and 3) A Delphi study that identified essential planetary health, climate change and sustainability knowledge and skills for nursing students.
Brief workshop plan: The workshop will begin with an outline of the role and scope of the Planetary Health in Nursing and Midwifery – Research & Education Collaborative in addressing the international call to action for nurses and midwives to champion planetary health. Then, the findings of three research projects will be presented. Finally, the implications of these findings will be discussed in order to engage participants in a solution focused and action-orientated approach to addressing the issues raised.
Keywords: climate change, nursing and midwifery education, planetary health, sustainable healthcare


James Bonnamy is a Registered Nurse and Research Fellow in the School of Nursing and Midwifery at Monash University. Dr Naomi Tutticci is a Registered Nurse and Senior Lecturer in the School of Nursing and Midwifery at Griffith University. Professor Tracy Levett-Jones is a Registered Nurse, Distinguished Professor and Professor of Nursing Education in the School of Nursing & Midwifery at The University of Technology Sydney. James and Naomi are part of the Planetary Health in Nursing and Midwifery Research and Education Collaborative led by Professor Tracy Levett-Jones.
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Dr Naomi Tutticci
Senior Lecturer
Griffith University



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Prof Tracy Levett-Jones
Distinguished Professor
University of Technology Sydney



Tracy Levett-Jones is a Distinguished Professor at the University of Technology Sydney. She is a world-leading nursing researcher who leads the Planetary Health for Nursing & Midwifery Education & Research Collaborative and the Empathy Initiative research group. Tracy has been ranked as one of the world’s top 1% of nursing scientists by Stanford University. Her program of research includes planetary health, empathy, patient safety and clinical reasoning. Tracy has written 12 books and over 250 journal publications. She has been the recipient of multiple awards and over seven million dollars of research funding. She has also designed a number of educational websites including the Virtual Empathy Museum and The Patient Safety for Nursing Students website.


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Tracey Moroney
Head of School
Curtin University
