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Session 3.05

Track 5
Thursday, June 13, 2024
1:55 PM - 2:55 PM
Arbour level A2


Design class activity: Style transfer


Agenda Item Image
Andrew Scott
Adjunct Senior Lecturer
Queensland University Of Technology

Design class activity: Style transfer

Presentation description

Looking for ideas for making your Design classes engaging and productive? This workshop will give you a taste of the class activities featured in the new edition of Nelson Design for QCE, which is being published this year.
You’ll learn how and when to conduct the 'Style Transfer' ‘design studio’ activity in your Year 11 or 12 class to support design projects. 'Style Transfer' is a way of trying different aesthetic approaches for a design. It helps students move beyond their unconscious assumptions about styles to quickly expand and explore ideas for their current project. The method can be used as part of a design project or as an independent, short class exercise.
You’ll experience the activity in the same way students do. All the essential materials will be provided (A3 paper, pens, markers) but if you have favourite sketching media you’re welcome to bring them.
This method was developed at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) and is used within its industrial design programme but is broadly applicable to all types of design.


Andrew Scott is an Adjunct Senior Lecturer at the School of Design, Queensland University of Technology. In his 36 years of teaching he has been the recipient of numerous University awards and external recognition including the Australian Learning and Teaching Council’s prestigious award for Teaching Excellence (2010) and the QS-Wharton Reimagine Education's Global Education Award (team, 2021). He is committed to developing design eduction in high schools and was a member of the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority’s Expert Writing Team for the 2019 Design Syllabus. Andrew’s research interests include user/product emotional attachment and interface design. Other interests include product aesthetics, graphical literacy and information design. He is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a Fellow of the Design Institute of Australia. Mike King is an experienced Design teacher delivering and developing content in Queensland using the QCAA Senior Design syllabus for St Andrew’s Anglican College. He was previously Head of Design Technology at The Springfield Anglican College and teacher of Engineering, Industrial Technology Skills and Design and Technology.
Mike King
Creative Industries Teacher
St Andrew's Anglican College



Mike is an experienced Design teacher delivering and developing content in Queensland using the QCAA Senior Design syllabus for St Andrew’s Anglican College. He was previously Head of Design Technology at The Springfield Anglican College and teacher of Engineering, Industrial Technology Skills and Design and Technology.