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Session 4.02

Track 2
Thursday, June 13, 2024
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Boulevard room B2


Digital Prototyping – An exploration into assisting students to create visual outcomes for their design portfolio submission


Agenda Item Image
Dr Dean Jacobs
Art & Design Teacher
Education Queensland

Digital Prototyping - An exploration into assisting students to create visual outcomes for their design portfolio submission

Presentation description

Design in education is an evolving entity. The focus is shifting from outcome-based design proposals to conceptual design portfolios, using critical and creative thinking strategies. An area of the design process that can become a rushed afterthought, is the role of prototype creation. Usually a tangible exercise as a means to construct a visual representation in 3D mode, design teachers tend to over-look the possibility of digital prototyping, particularly with the help of Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop.

In this presentation Dr Jacobs will discuss the role of prototyping in Design, with an emphasis on using the Adobe suite. Simplifying techniques to demonstrate how students can find success from utilising these programs and help students bring their sketches to life, adding professionalism to their design folio submission.


Dr Dean Jacobs is a Doctor of Creative arts, an author, an illustrator, a graphic designer and a teacher, who is a leader in the areas of visual literacy and semiotic communication, particularly the intrinsic relationship between words and images. He studied graphic design and visual communication at USC before embarking on a creative journey through a doctorate of creative arts. He is a leader in his field, including product design, advertising, exhibition art and picturebook illustration. Dean is now using his 20 years of experience in the creative industries to impart knowledge on young creatives, as a teacher. Dean has run his own design business, has freelanced and consulted for over a decade as a senior creative for multiple companies in Queensland, and published his work in Australia, UK and US. He is an award-winning illustrator and author who continues to carve a remarkable path across the creative landscape.