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Session 6.02

Track 2
Friday, June 14, 2024
11:55 AM - 12:55 PM
Boulevard room B2


Queensland state school employment based pathways into teaching: The Trade to Teach pilot experience


Delegates to bring their laptop to this session.


Mr Paul Schnetker
Trade To Teach Mentor
Department of Education

Queensland state school employment based pathways into teaching: The Trade to Teach pilot experience

Presentation description

The Queensland Workforce Strategy 2022-2032, and its underpinning research identifies demand for a VET-qualified workforce in skilled trades, traditional industry and utilities to support economic growth ambitions, deliver housing and infrastructure and to replace high expected rates of retirement in these sectors over coming years. The Strategy also highlights identified workforce pressures in the education sector to address the shortfall in Queensland’s future supply of tradespeople.

The Queensland Government’s Trade to Teach (T2T) Internship Program will boost the supply of Technologies teachers by providing 60 people across two cohorts with an existing trade qualification financial support while they study an undergraduate secondary teaching qualification specialising in Technologies.

T2T attracts tradespeople into teaching by offering scholarships, competitive salaries and benefits, innovative study arrangements, comprehensive mentoring, support from industry and close collaboration with universities. This program provides early classroom immersion through paid school-based internship opportunities and a guaranteed permanent teaching position in a Queensland state school on graduation.

We will provide an overview of the program and share experiences of current participants, through a facilitated panel including teaching interns who commenced in 2024, their supervising teachers and mentors. We will invite the audience to engage with the T2T participant panel about the benefits and challenges of employment based pathways into teaching.


Paul Schnetker has been teaching in the ITD fields for over 30 years. He has worked in a number of state and private schools, was the Deputy Chief Examiner for the International Baccalaureate, spent time in Japan for Education Queensland International for the Tokyo Global Gateway, his school won the prestigious Institute of Engineers award for promoting women in engineering, has a diploma of robotics and loves mentoring beginning teachers.
Terri Quinn
Department of Education



Terri started life as a Primary School teacher before moving to life in the Adult Education area. Over the last 30 years, she has worked in the public, private and not-for-profit sectors designing and implementing innovative programs for long-term unemployed, developing staff to meet organisational needs and attracting staff to hard to fill vacancies. Prior to working as the Project Manager for the Trade to Teach Internship Program, Terri was a Manager in the Department’s Learning & Development team on training projects such as; • Mandatory All-Staff training (MAST) • HAT & LT certification • Laboratory Diploma for Science Officer to transition to Science Technicians • ITD Upskilling Pathways Program. Terri is passionate about designing programs that help the department address its most important needs.