Workshop 07 – Guiding emerging researchers towards publishing in higher education journals

Track 3
Monday, July 8, 2024
12:45 PM - 4:15 PM
Room 306, Flinders University City Campus, Festival Plaza


Room 306 - Level 3


Facilitators Assoc Prof Eva Heinrich, Massey University Dr Cally Guerin, Australian National University Aim The workshop aims at equipping emerging scholars with the knowledge required to select the most appropriate journal for their research and shape their submission for a successful review outcome. Focus The focus of the workshop is on informing about journal specifications and review processes in higher education, looking at the details available to researchers from the ‘outside’ and providing editor perspectives from the ‘inside’. Overview Journal publishing sits at the heart of research dissemination in higher education. In this workshop we take participants through the many considerations and steps required for publication in a higher education journal: Looking ahead while planning and conducting your research Selecting a suitable journal Understanding the selected journal’s requirements Getting the article ready for submission Coping with the journal’s response Preparing changes for a resubmission Final stages on acceptance After publication One of the big challenges for emerging researchers is that they are restricted to the publicly available journal information. We address this by providing an insider view on editorial and publishing processes with a particular focus on reviewing. While addressing higher education journals in general, we foreground the two HERDSA journals HERD ( and ASRHE ( Workshop plan 1. The steps from selection to submission - Presentation highlighting generic criteria as well as contrasting HERD and ASRHE - Participants analyse journal information available on websites with a perspective of finding a home for their research 2. The insider’s view on journal reviewing - Presentation focused on processes and pathways - Sharing of experiences in small groups 3. The steps from response to publication - Presentation on facts, formalities and emotions - Sharing of experiences and coping strategies 4. Application of workshop learnings - Participants relate workshop learnings to their research – small group discussions with the presenters 5. Reflections and conclusion
