Workshop 06 – Courage is the quiet voice….thrive, survive, realise academic resilience and wellbeing workshop to improve your scholarship

Track 2
Monday, July 8, 2024
12:45 PM - 4:15 PM
Room 311, Flinders University City Campus, Festival Plaza


Room 311 - Level 3


Facilitators Ms Marie (Bernie) Fisher, University of New England Dr Naomi Dale, University of Canberra Dr Debbie Lackerstein, University of NSW Aim In this workshop we will be exploring resilience and wellbeing in the course of your university work. The application of strategies for maintaining and increasing your resilience can make a substantial difference to your ability to achieve results in challenging circumstances such as an unexpected pandemic, increased work responsibilities or the introduction of new technologies. The intended audience is university staff which includes professional staff and third space e.g., librarians, academic advisors. Provision and sharing of the practical application of educative aspects of resilience will be adopted to improve development of scholarship. Background/context: Rapid change in universities in Australia and globally is impacting staff resilience when people feel overloaded and unable to engage in scholarship. Overview Surprisingly, there is a dearth of literature on higher education staff wellbeing. Studies on university teacher burnout focus on issues such as pressure to publish research in quality journals, increased teaching loads (de los Reyes, Blannin, Cohrssen & Mahat, 2022). These articles have been emerging since the Covid 19 pandemic (Price, 2022). While the exploration of resilience and wellbeing in relation to improving one’s scholarship is being discussed in the sector, it is not necessarily focusing on how resilience and wellbeing can be improved during the educative process. Workshop plan Brainstorm session – story writing and telling to reflect on scenarios. - Identify what strategies do you adopt to increase your own resilience and wellbeing in your university work? - Explore how educative structures such as teaching criteria and frameworks in your institution can be operationalised to increase resilience and wellbeing in academic work? Strategies such as allocating a regular session each week to work on building resilience to achieve goals. - Assess how criteria and frameworks inform, support or guide resilient practice. Reflect upon how Herdsa’s professional activities help support increased resilience and outputs? - Select an issue to work on in your groups What is the issue, In what ways does it affect resilience (completion of work, illness, physical, emotional challenges, progressing career). - Develop a model or plan in your context to increase resilience and wellbeing in order to develop your scholarship.
