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Plenary: 2023 AHA Winner presentation: Dr Jessica Faulkner, Augusta University, USA

Friday, November 29, 2024
10:30 AM - 10:50 AM
Blackwattle Bay Room 1 & 2, Level R


Mechanisms of adverse outcomes in preeclampsia


Recorded presentation


Agenda Item Image
Dr Jessica Faulkner
Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University in Augusta, GA, USA

Mechanisms of adverse outcomes in preeclampsia


Our data indicates that vascular endothelial dysfunction, a hallmark of preeclampsia, is key to adverse out comes in pregnancy. In my laboratory we investigate the pathology of leptin in preeclampsia and endothelial dysfunction of pregnancy. We have developed an animal model of preeclampsia induced by hyperleptinemia revealing that this is a key pathway via which adverse outcomes of pregnancy develop in preeclampsia patients. In addition, our lab is interested in understanding how renal deficiency, which we induce by an acute kidney injury event prior to pregnancy, leads to vascular endothelial dysfunction and adverse outcomes in pregnant women. Using animal models we demonstrate that endothelial dysfunction triggered by renal insufficiency in pregnancy is a key mediator of adverse outcomes.


Dr Jessica Faulkner is an Assistant Professor in the Dept of Physiology and Dept of OBGYN at the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University in Augusta, GA, USA. Dr Faulkner graduated in 2015 from the Univ of Mississippi Medical Center with a PhD in Medical Pharmacology under Dr Babbette LaMarca. She then did her postdoctoral fellowship under Dr Eric Belin de Chantemele in the Vascular Biology Center at Augusta University. Dr Faulkner became an Assistant Professor in June 2021 and began her research program, which focuses on mechanisms whereby pregnant women develop endothelial dysfunction, hypertension, fetal growth restriction and other adverse events in pregnancy. Her primary disease focuses are acute kidney injury and preeclampsia of pregnancy and she studies these disease outcomes using a combination of clinical studies, animal models and molecular investigation. Dr Faulkner has published >45 peer-reviewed manuscripts in prominent journals such as Hypertension and AJP Heart and Circulatory. Dr Faulkner is very active in service, currently serving on AHA and NIH study sections, is on the editorial boards of AJP Heart and AJP Reg Int Comp, and is a member of the Trainee Advisory Committee of the AHA Council on Hypertension as well as the Nominations Committee for the APS CV section. Dr Faulkner’s research is currently supported by numerous extramural grants including an NIH-NHLBI R01 as a PI, an NIH NIDDK R01 as a co-I, an AHA CDA and an NIH-NHLBI R00. She has also won numerous awards at the institutional and national level, most recently the AHA Council on Hypertension Harry Goldblatt Award and Augusta University Women in Medicine Early Career Award.