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Invited V. Plant development and physiology: Three decades of playing around with legume genetics

Wednesday, October 2, 2024
8:30 AM - 9:00 AM
Boulevard Auditorium, Boulevard Level


Plenary Speaker: Prof Jim Weller, University of Tasmania and ARC Centre of Excellence for Plant Success


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Assoc Prof Jim Weller
Associate Professor
University of Tasmania

Three decades of playing around with legume genetics



Associate Professor Jim Weller completed his PhD at the University of Tasmania on the genetics of light-regulated development in pea. After post-doctoral work at RIKEN in Japan and Wageningen University in the Netherlands, he returned to Australia in 2002 to work on flowering time control in legumes. He also has longstanding interests in the comparative biology and genetics of domestication in this important crop group. He currently leads a national project on pulse phenology for the Grains Research and Development Corporation and is a CI in the ARC Centre of Excellence for Plant Success, which is exploring new approaches for the translation of fundamental genetic and physiological insights to crop breeding. He has been a keen participant in ICLGG since its inception in 2001.

Plenary chair

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Michael Udvardi
Professorial Research Fellow
The University of Queensland
