Ⓥ V.11 Virtual Panel - this session has been cancelled

Tuesday, June 25, 2024
12:10 PM - 1:00 PM


Transdisciplinary Encounter with the More-than-human: How to Dance with Robots, Atmosphere and Matter



Professor Danny Perreault
Université du Québec à Montréal

P: Transdisciplinary Encounter with the More-than-human: How to Dance with Robots, Atmosphere and Matter


This panel presents a study on Montreal's Popmolle collective, known for blending dance, digital arts, and robotics into immersive performances. Emphasizing a collaborative approach, the collective fosters artistic hybridization and creativity. The discussion explores the integration of human and mechanical agents within a dynamic, atmospheric space using light and fog. In Part 1, “Dictionary of atmospheres” and auto-ethnographic vignettes offer methodological tools for capturing the essence of the collective's creative process and the atmospheric spaces of their performances. In Part 2, the research extends into the realm of "hyper-contemporary" performance, highlighting the aesthetic shift caused by integrating technology with live art. It scrutinizes the altered dynamics of co-presence on stage, where technological entities increasingly intersect with human performance. In Part 3, researchers explore how a somatic approach can influence the creative process in choreography, seamlessly integrating human and non-human elements within live performances. This somatic method dissolves boundaries between performers and their mechanical counterparts, highlighting an embodied strategy used in dance practices when engaging with technology, thus fostering a new dramaturgy in performance. In Part 4, to synthesize these concepts and methodologies, we will discuss these topics with performers in an attempt to cross theory and practice.

Final Paper


Danny Perreault is a professor at UQAM's École des médias. He recently co-founded the mXlab, a re-search laboratory on more-than-human media creation. His research-creation approach focuses on the collaborative pro-cesses at work in the co-creation of digital scenography. His works explore the possibilities of images and light in three-dimensional space to create singular affective atmospheres.
Mr Filip Dukanic
Université Du Québec À Montréal (uqam)



Filip Dukanic holds a double PhD from Université de Montréal and Université Paris 3 Sorbonne-Nouvelle. He is currently conducting additional training at Université du Québec à Montréal as a postdoctoral research fellow. His work mainly deals with contemporary performance trends within the scope of intermedial studies. He has published extensively in Europe, North America, and Asia on relationships between new technologies and human presence on stage.
Mr Simon Laroche
Teacher, artist
Concordia University



Simon Laroche is a media artist and teacher at Concordia University. He creates installations, audio and video performances, robotic and body artworks. Co-founder of the art collective, Project EVA, he takes a critical perspective on socio-technical hybridization, focusing on problematics related to relationships between individuals, computer systems, and their physical extensions. His work has been presented in Asia, Europe, South and North America, and the Middle East.
Ms Caroline Laurin-Beaucage
UQAM, mXlab, Dance Departement



Caroline Laurin-Beaucage joined the faculty of UQAM's dance department in 2020, where she is currently advancing the field of dance and new technologies. As a choreographer, performer, and teacher with 24 years of experience, her repertoire includes installations, In Situ performances, projections, and a virtual reality film. She analyzes how somatic approach can inform site-oriented art practices through media.
Ms Liliane Mousa
Dance artist
Popmolle, LOL festival



Liliane Moussa is a dance artist interested in engaging bodies to question the notions of performance, health, and productivity. Her multidisciplinary and collaborative practice based on the crossbreeding of dance, performance and sport, has led her to present her work around the world. Author / Panel participant # 4 is co-founder and co-organizer of the Lots of love LOL Festival. Also practicing physiotherapy since 2006, she anchors her practices in a desire to raise awareness and actions towards a healthy ecology of the performing arts scene in Montreal.

Session chair

Agenda Item Image
Emanuel Gollob
University of Arts Linz
