Workshop 14 - Indigenous Protocols for Artificial Intelligence (IP//AI) Workshop #3, ISEA2024 Everywhen

Thursday, June 27, 2024
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
QUT Kelvin Grove, Z9-607


This participatory workshop will share the histories of AI and its development into contemporary practices. Through two-way learning, we will explore data, algorithms, models, and the concepts and methodologies of programming rules, protocols, training, and learning methods within Machine Learning. Concurrently, we will interrogate the cultural affordances and capacity of ML by investigating the differences between Indigenous automated systems and current ML to further engineering possibilities through cultural practice. Workshop participants will benefit from this conceptually technical and culturally focused explorative learning, centred on caring for Country and kin within artificially intelligent (AI) systems. PRESENTERS: Angie Abdilla, Old Ways, New ( Gabriela Ferraro, ANU School of Cybernetics ( Safiya Okai-Ugbaje, ANU School of Cybernetics ( in partnership with Australian Network of Art and Technology (ANAT) (
