The development for this workshop begins in two places – firstly, the project of transmis-sion+interference (Strang and Van Uffelen) that openly explores the creative making and hacking pro-cesses in developing noise machines for installation and performance. Over time, this project has begun exploring the rich power and potentiality hidden within the object of dust as a creative sonic force. This has emerged through exploring materialist processes, and often under the influence of speculative mak-ing practices.
The second point of development for this workshop is the journal paper by John Richards titled Specula-tive Sound Circuits (2018). In this paper, Richards neatly mixes the materialist and object focused sonic practices of Cage and Tudor with the world emerging from speculative design. This particular approach is where the workshop will develop from – through tinkering and t(h)inkering with materials and objects instead of offering a defined set of strict guides for making (in which everyone makes exactly the same thing).
Speculating over the material powers of dust to act as a creative force will require exploring new ways of knowing that, in this situation, can only be achieved through the making process, through the objects, and through the intra-actions of all workshop components.
David Strang, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University