Ⓥ V.12 Virtual Discussion - Papers

Tuesday, June 25, 2024
1:10 PM - 2:00 PM


Group discussion giving virtual presenters the opportunity to discuss their work with colleagues and delegates


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This virtual discussion session will give virtual presenters the opportunity to participate in a live interactive virtual panel discussion facilitated by an academic chair. Virtual delegates will be encouraged to pre-watch the presentation videos (available via the OnAIR conference platform) and then join this discussion session, which will run through a provided Zoom link. The Aim of this session is to provide an opportunity for presenters to share and discuss their work with colleagues and for delegates to engage in Q&A. Each discussion will run for 30-50 minutes depending on how many virtual presenters and delegates are participating.


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Ms Sijia Liu
City University of Hong Kong

FP: Falling Echoes: Expressing the Act of Falling in Dreams Through Generative AI


Recurring dreams of falling often symbolize uncertainties and anxieties, reflecting a perception of losing control. On the other hand, exploring these dreams may empower individuals to confront such negative emotions. In this work, we interviewed 15 participants regarding their narratives of falling dreams. We analyzed these narratives to extract the patterns as keywords and phrases, which were then used as prompts to create videos for each pattern using the text-to-image tool Stable Diffusion Deforum. The outcomes from the generation were displayed in an exhibition, immersing audiences in the sensation of falling as depicted in the interviewees’ dreams. This work underscores the capacity of GenAI to enable an expressive re-interpretation of common everyday experiences.

Final Paper


Star is a PhD student at the School of Creative Media. She received her MFA from CityU, and BFA from School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Her interests include the human senses, mass culture, and social problems that are sensitive to the youth. Her art and curatorial work also focus on these issues, visually displayed by immersive media.
Professor Sue Huang
University of Connecticut

SP: Textual Bodies: AI, Natural Language Processing, and the Erotic Landscape


Erotic Ecologies is a project that explores our damaged ecology through the lens of the erotic. This paper is focused on discussing a set of artificial intelligence (AI)-generated texts that were developed as part of my research for Erotic Ecologies. It explores the conceptual impetus for the texts, the methods and tools used for their generation, and their subsequent usage in creative works. The project aims to create cultural change by offering a poetic encounter with new modes of ecological thinking. Exploring concepts of a queer ecology, it challenges the binary, hierarchical systems of our capitalist culture. It uses the erotic as a means for accessing languages of intimacy—new languages by which we may shift our relationships to our ecosystem.

Final Paper


Sue Huang is a new media artist whose work addresses collective experience. Her current projects explore ecological intimacies, human/nonhuman relations, and speculative futures. Huang has exhibited nationally and internationally, including at the Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA), Los Angeles; the Contemporary Arts Center (CAC) in Cincinnati; VISUAL Carlow in Ireland; Philadelphia Contemporary; Rhizome at the New Museum; and Ars Electronica in Linz, Austria. Huang has received grants and commissions from Rhizome, the A.R.T. (the Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation), the James Irvine Foundation (MOCA, Los Angeles), Creative Scotland (NEoN), and the SCHARP Development Award (UCHI), among others. Huang was a Year 7/8 member of the Creative Science track at NEW INC, supported by Science Sandbox (Simons Foundation) and a 2022 LMCC artist-in-residence at The Arts Center at Governors Island. She is an assistant professor of Digital Media Design at the University of Connecticut.
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Miss Shuxin Wang
City University of Hong Kong

FP: What If Digital Information Dies?——An Interactive Experience for Digital Death


In the digital age, the concept of mourning has expanded to the digital heritage after the physical demise of individuals. The fundamental question arises: How can we redefine the methods and states in which life persists and mourns in this digital era? This project is proposed to conduct further experiments on the digital death after digital mourning, dialectically exploring the eternity and limitations of digital information in the role of mourning and life realization. We designed and organized a multimedia installation that engages the audience in a ceremony that takes them into a virtual obituary space, using the termination of information to simulate the death of a life by interacting with last words that are not informed of a time limit. We set up a website using Atom and Vue.js, invite people to experience digital death through the website, where users can create their own tombstones and leave their own last words. At the same time, we also used the projector to project the digital cemetery promotional video that we made with AI. And the installation also conducts a participatory study on audience participation in digital mourning of themselves to expand the futurity of this theme.

Final Paper


WANG Shuxin, HUANG Simai, Guo Zerong, HUANG Yifei Ray LC were all from the City University of Hong Kong, China. They are all Year 1 students studying Master of Fine Arts in Creative Media led by Prof. Ray LC in the Research Through Making Course. WANG Shuxin Yan (汪淑欣): wangshuxin0330@gmail.com @piggyyanw WANG Shuxin Yan is a student studying for a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Media at the City University of Hong Kong. Wang enjoys using text and images, found objects, and sound to do collages and montages for an experimental video. Engages in abstract animation and cinema film, as well as photography. She loves exploring and researching through an art way to say something. Simai Huang (黄思邁): huangstella0124@gmail.com Stella, an MFA student in Creative Media. Her works often focus on several social issues, and are always obsessed with the stylistic imagery of childhood memory and the early stages of the internet. She excels in graphic design, interaction design, and web design. She always applies these techniques in her works, and is willing to explore new artistic forms. Guo Zerong (郭澤融): zerongguo2-c@my.cityu.edu.hk Zerong is a first-year MFA major from City University of Hong Kong. He is an apprentice director. HUANG Yifei (also known as Chan Fei) graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Public Art from East China Normal University, currently pursuing a MFA in Creative Media at City University of Hong Kong. Focus on the essential aesthetics of images. Figure symbolizations to narrate contemporary legends. Speak realistic languages to express yearn for the absurd. Practise somatization to guide a way to the utopia of disembodiment. Ray LC: recfreq@gmail.com @recfeq RAY LC is assistant professor at City University of Hong Kong School of Creative Media.
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Miss Jiahe Zhao
National Tsing Hua University

SP: Virtual Spaces as New Habitats: The Cybermove Initiative's Vision for Future Living and Social Dynamics


This paper examines the “Cybermove” project, an experimental exploration of the boundaries between virtual and real living spaces through artistic practice. The project investigates the potential of virtual spaces as extensions of real life and their impact on future living and social forms through the artist's behavioral art performance within a confined space, the creation of virtual reality experiences, and both online and offline exhibitions. The project is divided into three phases: the artist performs space compression behavioral art within a 12-square-meter room; explores virtual living spaces through 3D scanning technology and virtual reality experiences; and engages with the public through social media and physical exhibitions. This research not only showcases the contribution of the “Cybermove” project to the exploration of virtual living and social spaces but also reflects on how art serves as a powerful medium for social commentary, prompting deeper contemplation of future lifestyles.

Final Paper


Jiahe Zhao is an artist and social media influencer. She takes daily life as the creative field and responds to society with creative actions. Her artwork often involves interaction with social media. She is currently a PhD student at NTHU, focusing on the impact of virtual technology on economic institutions and daily life.
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Miss Shujiao Xie
Nanyang Technological University

FP: Transcending Time: The Resurrection of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Sugar Painting through Human-Robot Dynamics in an "Everywhen" Perspective


Everywhen, as a conceptual framework, challenges the conventional linear perception of time and offers a perspective that is more akin to a continuous circle. Within this framework, it becomes evident that certain facets of Chinese cultural tradition face the risk of fading into obscurity in an age of intelligence and automation. This is particularly noticeable in the context of sugar painting, which has encountered numerous challenges in preservation with the passage of time. Conversely, innovative techniques, such as human-robot collaboration, breathe new life into these fading traditions. This research elucidates the technical process of preserving sugar painting through collaborative efforts between humans and robots, covering steps such as tool optimization, pattern design, printing test, and interaction design. The findings emphasize the innovative benefits of this approach, including the preservation of performativity and engagement, the evolution of content aesthetics, broader audience reach, and the transfer of skills to future generations. As such, this project demonstrates the potential of human-robot collaboration in the artistic revival of broader intangible cultural heritage, creating a dynamic circle and defying the limitations of linear time processes.

Final Paper


Xie Shujiao is currently in her third year of pursuing a doctoral degree at the School of Art, Design, and Media, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Her academic journey includes the attainment of a Master of Architecture degree from Tongji University and a Bachelor of Architecture degree from Xi'an Jiao Tong University. Her research is centered around urban media art, encompassing the domains of mapping on urban surfaces and large-scale media walls. Combined with her previous experience in space-making, shujiao is passionate about exploring various digital media technologies to create architectural and artistic installations in response to the urban discourses and urgencies of our time. Her research also places a specific emphasis on unraveling the social and cultural implications embedded in the realm of urban media art within the context of mainland China.