Plenary on sub-theme: 1.2 Hopping and skipping - Current challenges in pharmacy education
Tuesday, July 8, 2025 |
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM |
Blackwattle Rooms 1-3 combined, PARKROYAL Darling Harbour |
Ms Natalie Raffoul
National Heart Foundation of Australia
Bridging the theory-practice gap: implementing evidence-based medicine
Ongoing education is essential to bridging the persistent gap between theory and practice in healthcare. Rapidly evolving evidence, particularly in the setting of new pharmacological recommendations, necessitates an ongoing need to upskill our health professional workforce and align their practice with the latest guideline recommendations. Strategies for knowledge dissemination must be combined with behaviour change interventions that seek to embed theoretical evidence-based recommendations into practice. A culture of continued professional learning should be fostered in combination with strategies that positively influence health professional behaviour in line with guidelines. These include audit and feedback reflective activities, clinical decision support systems and software prompts. This presentation will draw on real-world experience implementing best practice cardiovascular care, from guideline development, education and learning, through to embedding clinical practice change at scale. Supporting health practitioners to align their practice with the latest evidence requires more than knowledge exchange to create lasting practice change and improved patient outcomes.
Natalie Raffoul (BPharm Hons, GradCertPharmMed, MHM, MPS) is currently the Healthcare Programs Manager at the National Heart Foundation of Australia. She oversees the design and delivery of national health programs that seek to improve the early detection, assessment and management of cardiovascular disease in Australia. Natalie is a clinical cardiology pharmacist by background and has extensive experience running national implementation and education programs in general practice.