Small group session 3A (sub-theme 1.1)

Track 3
Wednesday, July 9, 2025
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Blackwattle Room 2, PARKROYAL Darling Harbour


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Mrs Sneha (snay-ha) Varia
Regional Manager
Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate Education

World Café conversations for developing and delivering an organisational EDI strategy

1:30 PM - 2:15 PM


The NHS East of England No more tick boxes paper recommends systemic integration of EDI principles across organisational processes and policies for sustained cultural change. The Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate Education (CPPE) adopted this approach in the development of a three-year EDI strategy with a year-one focus on cultural competence education for CPPE employees and learners (registered pharmacy professionals). This workshop builds on the session ‘Developing cultural competence in Pharmacy’ delivered by CPPE in Denver 2023, which showcased learning content from the CPPE Culturally competent communication for person-centred care e-learning, now mandatory learning for all CPPE employees as part of the EDI strategy.
The 3 Horizons model is introduced as a tool to facilitate strategic thinking when developing an EDI strategy. Participants will work in small groups, using the concept of a World café to discuss and share ideas for developing an EDI strategy in response to prompt questions for each stage of the Horizon model.
Details of how the CPPE EDI strategy emerged through the 3 stages of the Horizon model will be shared as an example. Integration of key aspects of psychological safety, building trust and bold action on inclusion are emphasised. Innovation in celebrating diversity and inclusive cultures through facilitating sharing of personal cultural and identity linked stories and experiences will be narrated. Participants will use a self reflection tool to identify their strengths and areas for development in cultural competence. They will be invited to share their own examples of tools and resources to support the cultural competence education of their teams, learners and stakeholders. Plans for evaluation and research of the EDI strategy and aspirations to present at future international conferences will be briefed.


Sneha is the Regional Manager, East of England, at the Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate Education (CPPE). She has over twenty years of experience in pharmacy education and training within community pharmacy, the NHS, and CPPE. She has designed and developed learning on leadership, culturally competent communication for person-centred care, coaching, mentoring and reflective practice. She has published articles in peer reviewed and professional journals on feedback, medicines adherence and cultural competence. She is the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) lead at CPPE and accountable for the development and delivery of the organisational three-year EDI strategy for both staff and service users. She has presented at national and international conferences and delivered workshops on continuing professional development and revalidation. Most recently, she delivered a workshop on Developing cultural competence in pharmacy at the Life long Learning in Pharmacy Conference, Denver Colorado, July 2023 and Advance HE EDI conference March 2024.
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Dr Erika Freitas
Assistant Dean for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
University of Colorado

Who we are, how we learn: Exploring the intersection between social identities and inclusive teaching

2:15 PM - 3:00 PM


Introduction: Students come into the classroom with multiple, overlapping identities that shape their perceptions of and interactions with others. These identities may intersect with and amplify social determinants of learning, such as physical and psychosocial health and economic stability. This intersection shapes how students engage with course content and influences their sense of belonging and academic outcomes.
To support inclusive teaching within the University of Colorado Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (SSPPS), a 30-item survey was designed and disseminated to first year pharmacy students. This tool was devised to help faculty understand the social identities of their students and tailor instruction to address diverse learner needs.
Methods: The survey was adapted from the “who is in the classroom” tool, described in the book What Inclusive Instructors Do. The survey was distributed to first-year pharmacy students during an introductory session on equity, diversity, and inclusion. It provided an opportunity for students to voluntarily and anonymously share aspects of their identity that can impact how they learn. Examples of survey domains included: demographics, socioeconomic and cultural background, access to learning resources. Faculty were provided with anonymised, aggregated survey results.
Results: 96% of students completed the survey (n= 97). Results revealed diversity in socioeconomic background, primary spoken language, and cultural identity; 24% of respondents identified as first-generation college students; 23% reported they do not have the financial means to buy all the materials needed to complete coursework. An inclusive teaching workshop is being developed to help faculty explore the survey’s implications for inclusive teaching practices.
Conclusion: The designed survey provided valuable insights into the diverse social identities of the first-year pharmacy students at the SSPPS, equipping faculty to address the specific needs of their students. Faculty engagement and application of survey results may enhance inclusivity and support curricular learning outcomes.


Erika Freitas is an Associate Professor of Clinical Pharmacy and Assistant Dean for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion at University of Colorado Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. With over 15 years of experience in the areas of culturally responsive teaching, Dr. Freitas has received numerous awards and accolades for her positive impact on the preparation of equity-minded healthcare professionals. She serves as an advocate and visionary leader of the school's diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging efforts and ensures that they are integrated and coordinated with campus initiatives.
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Dr Cindy O'bryant
Associate Dean
University of Colorado



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Dr Ralph Altiere
University of Colorado



Ralph J. Altiere, PhD is Professor and Dean, University of Colorado Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences in the US. His academic career spans over 40 years. He led conversion of the BSPharm to the PharmD program and had oversight of an innovative online post-BS PharmD program. As Dean, he has acquired over $30M USD in grants to support research and increased school endowments 10-fold. He has held leadership roles in FIP including FIPEducation Chair, member of FIP ExCo, Bureau, and Council, Congress Programme Committee and AIM Advisory Committee, Director of the FIP UNESCO UNITWIN program, and President of the Academic Pharmacy Section. He has conducted outreach efforts on behalf of FIPEd to academic pharmacy associations in the US, Asia, Europe, Latin America and Africa. In 2016, he was awarded FIP Fellow and in 2024 was the first recipient of the FIP Exceptional Leadership Award.
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Dr Hilda Ndikum
Senior Instructor
Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences


