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SESSION 1 - Advanced Therapeutics

Thursday, November 7, 2024
9:00 AM - 10:45 AM
Leighton Hall, John Niland Scientia Building
Sponsored By:

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Adj. A/Prof Paula Bray
Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network



Adj. Associate Professor Paula Bray is the Network Director of Research for the Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network. Paula completed her PhD and post-doctoral studies in measurement science and improving clinical care through development and implementation of international clinical practice guidelines for Duchenne muscular dystrophy and Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. Paula is committed to advancing healthcare delivery through unlocking value by implementing research-enabled care. She works closely with research leaders, clinicians and partners to achieve national and international research impact that works to solve the biggest challenges facing children’s health.
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Dr Kim Sutherland
Office for Health and Medical Research, NSW Health

Keynote Presentation: NSW Health Research Strategy Update

9:00 AM - 9:30 AM


Kim Sutherland leads the Office for Health and Medical Research. Prior to her appointment to OHMR, she held Director roles at the Agency for Clinical Innovation and the Bureau of Health Information. Kim is a health services researcher with experience in performance measurement and reporting, evaluation and assessment of quality, and change management in healthcare organisations. She played a central role in the development of performance measurement frameworks in NSW and the UK and co-authored a series of reports on the English NHS quality agenda. Kim holds a Master of Science from London Hospital Medical College, a Master of Business Administration from Imperial College London and a PhD from the University of Cambridge. In 2022, Kim received the Public Service Medal for outstanding public service to NSW Health.
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Mrs Emma Maly
Parent Advocate

Interviewee - Perspectives from Family Members

9:30 AM - 9:45 AM


Emma Maly, BSN Nursing. Emma is the proud full-time mother and carer of eight-year-old Grace and her two older brothers. Emma is helping Grace to reach her fullest potential while she navigates life with ADCY5-Related Movement Disorder. Emma is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of ADCY5.org foundation and is passionate about raising awareness of the importance of research for improved health outcomes for those living with rare diseases. Emma started her professional career as an acute care nurse and then moved to the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry, working as a Field Education Specialist in psychiatry for Lundbeck Australia, a Specialist Sales Representative in oncology for Mayne Pharmaceuticals, and an Oncology and Field Education and Product Specialist for Amgen Australia. Until recently, she provided preoperative and postoperative care for an Orthopaedic Specialist
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A/Prof Wendy Gold
The University of Sydney, Kids Research and The Children's Medical Research Institute

Interviewer - Perspectives from Family Members

9:30 AM - 9:45 AM


Associate Professor Wendy Gold is head of the Molecular Neurobiology Research group at Kids Research, The Children’s Hospital at Westmead, the University of Sydney. Her training includes an honors degree in Genetics and a PhD in Genetics and Immunology. Wendy conducts a research program of interdisciplinary translational research where she has contributed to the understanding of the underlying pathophysiology of many neurodevelopmental disorders as well as examining potential novel therapies. By utilising advanced techniques such as transgenic mouse models, brain organoids, and bioinformatics, her team is at the forefront of understanding and addressing these complex conditions. Her work aims to translate these innovative approaches into finding biomarkers and developing effective therapies such as gene therapies, offering hope for those affected by these challenging disorders.
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Dr Michelle Lorentzos
Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network

The Kids Advanced Therapeutics Odyssey – Charting progress and Forging Ahead

9:45 AM - 10:00 AM


Dr Michelle Lorentzos is the Advanced Therapeutics Medical Lead at The Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network, leading the implementation and delivery of advanced therapeutic treatments and clinical trials for paediatric patients in New South Wales. Michelle is a paediatric neurologist with a specific interest in gene replacement therapy and other innovative treatments. She is an investigator on several gene therapy clinical trials for conditions including Duchenne muscular dystrophy and Rett Syndrome and metabolic diseases. Prior to undertaking her medical studies, Michelle obtained a Communications degree at The University of Technology, Sydney, and she has maintained a strong interest in the role of communication in health equity and outcomes.
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Ms Lani Attwood
Associate Director, Research Operations
Sydney Children's Hospitals Network

Facilitator - Interactive Q&A discussion session: Opportunities and Challenges for Advanced Therapeutics: clinical translation, access, regulation, commercial and funding landscape

10:00 AM - 10:45 AM



Lani Attwood is the Associate Director Research Operations for Kids Research at Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network (SCHN), working to ensure the research infrastructure and support services across SCHN are aligned with the vision of a research-intensive organization. Previously leading strategic and operational initiatives as program manager of the Kids Advanced Therapeutics program since 2020, Lani worked to harness the networks capability and expertise in clinical trials, paediatric care and therapeutic development to establish the networks reputation as a national and global leader in the area of advanced therapeutics. Prior to working for the network, she has held various clinical, research and leadership positions across NSW Health. Lani has been working in health and medical research sector for over 12 years and brings a comprehensive understanding of both the healthcare system and medical research environment in NSW and Australia. Her areas of interest are strategy, research development, governance, clinical trials, regulatory frameworks, advanced therapeutics, research translation and fostering collaboration.
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Dr Michelle Lorentzos
Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network

Panel member


Dr Michelle Lorentzos is the Advanced Therapeutics Medical Lead at The Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network, leading the implementation and delivery of advanced therapeutic treatments and clinical trials for paediatric patients in New South Wales. Michelle is a paediatric neurologist with a specific interest in gene replacement therapy and other innovative treatments. She is an investigator on several gene therapy clinical trials for conditions including Duchenne muscular dystrophy and Rett Syndrome and metabolic diseases. Prior to undertaking her medical studies, Michelle obtained a Communications degree at The University of Technology, Sydney, and she has maintained a strong interest in the role of communication in health equity and outcomes.
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Prof Ian Alexander
Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network and Children's Medical Research Institute

Panel member


Ian Alexander is a Professor in Paediatrics and Molecular Medicine at the University of Sydney, Senior Staff Specialist in Genetic Medicine at The Children’s Hospital at Westmead, and Head of the Gene Therapy Research Unit, a joint initiative of Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network and Children’s Medical Research Institute. As a clinician-scientist he has dedicated his career to the development of novel therapies for infants and children with devastating genetic disease and is internationally renowned for his leadership in pioneering the gene therapy field in Australia. He has made ground-breaking contributions along the entire translational pathway, from the basic science of viral vector-mediated gene transfer to the implementation of globally significant paediatric gene therapy clinical trials. This encompasses the ongoing establishment of an internationally significant bio-manufacturing capability for GMP grade gene transfer vectors and addressing the challenges of health system readiness to deploy this novel class of therapeutics. Peer recognition includes election as a fellow of the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Science in 2015, the National Health and Medical Research Council Marshal and Warren Award in 2020 and the Research Australia Peter Wills Medal in 2022.
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Dr Paul Fennessy
Paul Fennessy Advisory

Panel member


Paul Fennessy (BSc(Hons), PhD) has more than 35 years of experience in medical research, in national HTA and in health policy, including state health department representative on/chairing various national committees regarding horizon scanning, genomics and health technology assessment, reimbursement and commissioning. Paul was responsible for oversighting the commissioning of cell and gene therapies in selected public hospitals and jointly developed the National Framework for assessing, funding and implementing highly specialised therapies and highly specialised services. He also proposed the development of a national policy framework for clinical genomics on the basis that genomic sequencing would be a disruptive technology that would significantly impact patient access, budgets and service delivery, which resulted in the development and implementation of the National Health Genomics Policy Framework. Paul now consults, offering advice informing policy, strategic, investment and commissioning/implementation decisions, with a focus on expediting assessment, reimbursement and delivery of cell and gene therapies to patients.
Ms Vanessa Fitzgerald
NSW Ministry of Health

Panel member


Ms Vanessa Fitzgerald is a Principal Planning and Policy Officer in the Specialty Services and Technology Evaluation Unit, NSW Ministry of Health. Vanessa is responsible for the development and implementation of policies and programs related to service planning and delivery of new and emerging health technologies and specialised services in NSW. This includes supporting the central agency functions to ensure the safe, equitable and sustainable provision of high cost, highly specialised therapies (HSTs) in NSW. Vanessa joined NSW Health as a Speech Pathologist in 2007 and has since held various public health sector roles in clinical management, workforce development and implementation of the NSW Health Genomics Strategy.