Welcome to the ASCEPT membership portal
The Australasian Society of Clinical and Experimental Pharmacologists and Toxicologists (ASCEPT) is the professional and independent Society in Australia and New Zealand with expertise in the use and toxicity of medicines and chemicals. Membership is open to persons who are actively engaged in or interested in the pharmacological and toxicological sciences.
Membership subscriptions are based on a calendar year beginning 1 January and ending on 31 December.
Membership fees across all categories will remain at 2024 rates and have not been increased since 2012.
New members:
If you are joining as a new ASCEPT member, please complete a new member application by clicking 'Join Now'.
Lapsed members:
If your membership has lapsed (nonfinancial for one calendar year), you will need to complete a new member application, please select 'Join Now' and create a new account.
If you require any assistance please email the ASCEPT Secretariat at ascept@ascept.org.
Renewing members:
After logging in to your membership portal please follow the instructions below carefully to complete your membership renewal. If you have difficulty accessing your membership portal, please email the ASCEPT Secretariat: ascept@ascept.org.
Step 1. Update your details
Once logged in, select the 'Update Details' tab to review and update your contact information and research interests. Please ensure you scroll to the bottom of this page and select 'submit' for your updates to be received.
Step 2. Confirm and renew your membership
To complete your membership renewal, please select the 'Membership Renewal' tab located on the left hand side of the screen and follow the prompts. If your membership type needs to be updated, please email ascept@ascept.org and we will update this for you.
Membership fees can be paid using one of the following options:
• Online: Pay securely by Visa or MasterCard through the ASCEPT membership portal.
• Electronic funds transfer (EFT): Banking details can be found on your invoice which will be emailed to you upon completing your membership renewal. Payment must be received within 14 days of invoice date in order to finalise your membership.