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8D - Governance and policy

Track 4
Friday, July 7, 2023
1:45 PM - 2:40 PM
Plaza P7


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Ms Susan Stevenson
New Zealand Curriculum Design Institute- Te Wananga Hoahoa Matauranga Aotearoa

1:45pm - 2.10pm The universal well-being model – A change guide for leaders pursuing well-being, achievement and equity

1:45 PM - 2:10 PM


Susan has been successfully engaged in advanced academic, health education, and well-being leadership, facilitation, and research activities for over 30 years in New Zealand. A programme of wellbeing research Susan initiated in 2008 to improve well-being, achievement and equity outcomes has become a dominant research, teaching, leadership and consulting work foci. Currently Susan holds two organisational Directorship roles and is dedicated to increasing their influence and contributions to individuals, communities and organisations. She is also known for her work as a higher education, professional, and vocational qualification and programme designer and has led and contributed to numerous qualification designs and re-development projects to Masters Level. Areas of specialist expertise include well-being, transformational learning, curriculum design, and cross organisational change and culture development. A past UNESCO Scholarship recipient, she has chaired a national Subject Advisory Group, led Research and Ethics committees, and won research awards. Susan has also held a range of senior leadership and management roles, they include; developing university staff, Senior Lecturer, Department Head, Research Fellow, Degree Programme Curriculum Advisor/Analyst, Designer/Developer, national Approvals and Accreditations Advisor, National Academic Manager, Principal Wellbeing Advisor as well as institutional, company and charitable trust directorships in academic, health and well-being focussed organisations.
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Dr Anita Wheeldon
University of Southern Queensland

2.15pm - 2:40pm Both sides of the fence: revealing the comparable work-life experiences of academic and professional staff that entrenches conflict in universities

2:15 PM - 2:40 PM


Dr Anita Wheeldon has worked in the university sector for over 11 years, but has worked in the Education sector more broadly for most of her career. At the University of Southern Queensland Anita has held a number of senior management roles as a professional staff member. A number of these roles spanned both traditional professional and academic roles, giving her significant experience as a third space professional. As Anita colloquially terms it, she is a proud ‘profesh-ademic’. More recently, Anita has taken up an academic role in the School of Business, lecturing into the Management discipline. Anita is also the Program Director for the Master of Business. Anita is a passionate educator and researcher of higher education and the way we work and learn. Anita describes her purpose as playing a part in leading the education of curious individuals who will extraordinarily work to solve the problems of our world – known, emerging and yet undiscovered.


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Suzie Waddingham
University of Tasmania
